We are fast approaching the Autumn Equinox, and the days already feel much shorter.
After posting the story behind this little wren pendant on Facebook, I have been amazed at the response from everyone. Thank you all for your wonderful comments and likes.

This little wren is my take on the Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken pottery is repaired with gold.
I was heartbroken when I broke this beautiful Dendrite Agate. I kept the two halves safe, and wondered what I could do with it, it was too beautiful to discard.
When this little wren appeared in my sketches, I realised she was the answer, her branch covered the break in the stone, like the gold in Kintsugi.
I hope you like her. She brings hope in difficult times.
My next events
We will be at Glastonbury Town Hall on 24th September for the Wytches Market.

On 22nd and 23rd October we will be at the Town Hall again for the Karen Kay Fairy Fayre

We also have a local market on 30th October

The Wonderful Wandering witches fair on 5th November

There are a few more markets, I will post more info next month.
I hope to see some of you lovely people in the next few months.
If you are not local, or too far away to visit, I will be updating the website very soon, please subscribe to the website to find out first!
I will also have a Facebook online Wytches market in December. More info to come.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Love Rachel xx