At last summer has arrived!
It has been very hot in my studio this week, but I have started a new small collections for the galleries I supply.

I would like to thank everyone who visited our stall at the recent events.
Folk by the Oak was a wonderful day, sunshine, music, fireworks and lovely people.

Folk by the Oak, Hatfield
We also had a great day in Chichester. What a beautiful venue! We hope to be back there later this year. I will let you know the dates when confirmed.

Wild City Summer Market at The Duke and Rye Chichester
This August I am having time out with family and friends. I will also be busy at my bench making lots of new pieces for our September Market.
It is our favorite! We will be back in Glastonbury for the Wytches market on 21st

I will update you soon on other events in October, November and December.
Please keep an eye on my web shop, I will be updating it from time to time. If you are a subscriber, you will already know the date and time!
I hope you all have a wonderful August.
I will blog again with news soon…..
Rachel x